Volunteer opportunities for retirees
Volunteer opportunities in Israel for retired people
There are many volunteer opportunities in Israel. In fact, you could occupy yourself all day long by volunteering with different organizations.
Many retirees choose to volunteer in their communities. Whether you have skills that are needed, such as teaching or tutoring or want to offer assistance at not for profits, the opportunities are endless. Start by talking with other retirees in your community and ask what options there are. There are national organizations that can always use an extra pair of hands or expertise that you might have.
If you are a dog lover, there are many animal shelters that need people to take dogs on walks and to help out with the animals. Love museums? Sign up to be a docent and use your English to show tourists around the museum. Can you help kids learn English? There are programs to teach English-speakers how to assist Israeli children who might need extra support in their English studies.
Sar-El supporters contribute to the security of the State of Israel by assisting on IDF bases in a logistical support role.

- Sar-El volunteers take on routine logistical support tasks normally assigned to active duty soldiers and reservists
- We build a stronger link between the I.D.F. and new Olim
- Our volunteers are highly flexible, serving everywhere they are needed around the country
- The Sar-El program is a morale booster and motivator for the soldiers
- Volunteers learn about, and gain appreciation for what our soldiers are experiencing
Since its inception, the Sar-El volunteer project has brought in over 160,000 volunteers, providing broad logistical support to the I.D.F. throughout the country.
Sar-El runs different programs for Olim.
One-day programs — you will be connected with a coordinator in your city and taken to a base nearby for a one-day volunteer program.
Five-day programs — you will spend five amazing days living on a IDF base.
Example of volunteer schedule for the five-day program
- Breakfast from 8:15 AM
- Flag raising and news and directives of the day at 9:00 AM
- Morning work session 9:30 AM
- Lunch at 12:30 PM
- Afternoon work session at 1:30 PM
- Dinner at 6:00 PM
- Evening Unit meeting – 7:00 PM
English B’Yachad
Seeking an opportunity to make a real impact on the lives of young adult Israelis? Strong English skills are crucial to widening employment opportunities and advancing careers for Israelis.

Seeking an opportunity to make a real impact on the lives of young adult Israelis? Strong English skills are crucial to widening employment opportunities and advancing careers for Israelis.
Become an English B’Yachad volunteer tutor/mentor and put your skills, experience, wisdom and English to work tutoring Ethiopian Israelis seeking to bolster their confidence and fluency in English to better compete for access to and advancement within jobs in high-tech and other professional career paths.
All English B’Yachad students are referred by an Israeli partner organization and are individually interviewed prior to acceptance in the program. Students commit to one+ hour per week of English conversation with a mentor and are available evenings, Israel time. Mentors and Students make a minimum 10 session commitment to the program but most pairs work together far longer.
Our tutors are part of a virtual community of retired professionals located in Israel, the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. Over 300 tutors have participated since July 2020! Prior teaching experience or Hebrew not required.
We enhance your volunteer experience through:
- Tutor training sessions and peer to peer connections
- Scheduled symposiums on relevant aspects of Israeli society, culture and business
- Workshops on tutoring strategies
- A curated online library of resource materials
For more information, contact Marla Gamoran at mgamoran@skillvolunteerisrael.org, visit our website and/or view this volunteer-produced video about this amazing and rewarding volunteer experience.
Israel Guide Dog Center for the Blind
Volunteer English tour guides are needed for the Israel Guide Dog Center for the Blind

The Israel Guide Dog Center for the Blind is a non profit organization committed to helping blind and visually impaired Israelis regain their lives by providing independence, mobility and self-confidence as well as renewed self-esteem and companionship through the use of guide dogs. We breed, raise, train and partner guide dogs with blind and visually impaired Israelis from all socio-economic sectors at no cost to the client. We also provide Service Dogs to IDF vets suffering from post-trauma and emotional support dogs to children on the autism spectrum.
Many friends/visitors from Israel and abroad want to visit our campus and see firsthand the amazing work that goes on here daily. English tours generally last an hour and take place Monday-Thursday mornings. Tours usually include a short film, frontal lecture with Q& A, indoor building and outdoor grounds component; including a visit to the kennels, viewing windows/play yards of the puppy center and other sites on campus.
Peak season for tours is during the summer months and Fall-Sukkot, Winter-Hanukah, Spring-Passover. The Center relies upon donations of donors from Israel and abroad and is assisted by many volunteers here in Israel. We request a donation from visitors for the tours. The campus is closed Friday, Shabbat, Jewish and National Holidays
We are looking for volunteers with the following:
- English mother tongue or Hebrew speaker who is fluent in English (Spanish and French also a plus)
- Likes dogs and people
- Speaking publicly in front of different types/sizes of groups
- Able to absorb and remember information quickly
- Flexible attitude/sense of humor
- Able to manage time well; alter, shorten or lengthen presentations per need
- Work as a volunteer along with a 50-member team
- One day per week; approximately four hours total
- Commit to one month training period and then a year of volunteer work
- Live in Rishon, Rehovot, Ness Ziona or Yavneh area
- Car is a must, as there is limited public transport
*Volunteers go through an interview/intake process and training with a Volunteer Coordinator, prior to beginning volunteer work.
Please contact: Lisa Baron Haet, International Liaison
T: 08-940-8213 lisa@igdcb.org www.israelguidedog.org
Museums in Israel
Israel has over 60 museums, offering a variety of subjects including; history, science, art and archeology. Many of the museums offer discounts for Israelis with a Senior Citizen card.
The government set up a website that offers information each museum as well as images of items in the museum’s collection. If you want to know more about a particular museum or are trying to decide which of the many amazing museums to visit, start with the Museums in Israel website.
“Museums in Israel – the National Portal is the first project of its kind to showcase Israel’s development in the preservation and nurturing of culture and heritage in the digital age. The portal is a gateway, by means of which the collections of Israel’s museums are revealed and displayed to the general public throughout the world.
“The museums’ collections, which are visually outstanding, can be located and retrieved on any computer, tablet or smartphone, simply, easily and quickly.”
“Each museum has a page in which it lists general and specific details regarding its purpose, activities, opening hours, contact and travel information, a selected assortment of all its collections, and more.
This is the first time such rich visual data on dozens of Israeli museums, have been consolidated under one roof.
A system of filters helps surfers find a specific museum based on area of specialization or region, and how to reach it using Google Maps or Waze.”
Visit the Museums in Israel portal for more information. Contact a museum near you to explore volunteer opportunities.