About this site

About this site

This site was built to answer the growing demand for people in their 50s, 60s and older wanting to make Aliyah and retire in Israel. Making a move to a new/old country can be challenging, but it can be especially rewarding for those that hold a love of Israel in their hearts. The information that has been compiled here changes all the time. It is best to check on the current situation with the appropriate authority before making any decisions. This site does not deal with Siudi (long-term care facilities).

If you find any information that is incorrect or suggestions that might be useful to other retirees, please contact us.

Where to begin?

Nefesh B’Nefesh

Nefesh B’Nefesh is an excellent resource for information. The organization has assisted thousands of people in their Aliyah and is the place for you to start in taking the first step.

They have compiled some information for retirees on their website. Keep in mind the process of making Aliyah can take a while, so start early so you can get past the paperwork and start enjoying your retired life in Israel.

Israel Centre

If you are living in South Africa and want to make Aliyah to Israel, start by following the instructions on the website of the Israel Centre at https://israelcentre.co.za/aliyah/

Keep in mind the process of making Aliyah can take a while, so start early so you can get past the paperwork and start enjoying your retired life in Israel.


The Association of Americans & Canadians in Israel (AACI) provides a wide range of services and programs to meet the needs of its membership whether new immigrants or English-speaking long-time residents:

  • Professional counseling on Aliyah and Klitah (absorption)
  • Emergency loans
  • Advice Sessions: tax, banking
  • Legal consultations
  • Blood bank privileges
  • Libraries at AACI
  • Senior Outreach

Check out their page for people retiring in Israel.

Kol Zchut

Kol Zchut is an organizations that explains the rights of citizens, They have a section in English on Old Age and Aging and have various articles on your rights as a pensioner in Israel. Some articles are in Hebrew and you will need to use Google Translate for English text, others were already translated. Check out their website to read about:

  • Senior Health
  • Discounts and Financial Benefits for Senior Citizens
  • Leisure and Welfare for Senior Citizens
  • Housing for the Elderly
  • Employment for Senior Citizens
  • Old Age Pension
  • Old Age Disability Pension
  • Survivors’ benefits
  • Long-Term Care Benefit
  • Income supplement/support
  • Maintaining of National Insurance Rights when Moving between Treaty Countries
  • Rights from the National Insurance Institute
  • Holocaust survivors
  • Those disabled in the war against the Nazis
  • World War II veterans
  • The Righteous Among the Nations
  • Prisoners of Zion and martyrs
  • Low income seniors

Israel Tax Authority

The Israel Tax Authority has information that can be useful for retirees. Check out their webpage.